In the post covid-era, rapid adoption of technology in the spheres of commerce, education, health, and agriculture has transformed the mandate of Institutions of higher learning from being traditional education and research centers of excellence, to becoming hubs of disruptive technologies equally capable of developing superior solutions to meet national and international demands and building knowledge domains.
The rapidly evolving human resource market has placed an ever-increased demand for professionals, who have an inkling of ICTs and Industry 4.0, capable of applying concepts of Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics, and Social Media Engagement to traditional businesses.
Moreover, the emerging need, in present times, to quickly turn around the skillset of working human resource; which is otherwise likely to become obsolete, while on-the-job; has posed an immense challenge for academia to rethink its role of just conferring degrees upon students.
Developing critical thinkers who are adaptable and responsive to the changing trends of the world and making graduates lifelong learners with relevant skillset is essential for survival of any seat of learning. Similarly, keeping faculty members abreast of these changes in the fast-paced world is a key challenge. University leaders need advanced toolkits to set their priorities right, amidst dwindling global resources and shrinking public spending on education, particularly in the Islamic World.
Universities traditionally have held a responsible role towards social, cultural, ideological, political, and economic success of nations. They not only provide the steady flow of qualified and ethical workforce but also generate knowledge and inculcate the leadership attributes in future generations.
Modern universities, more importantly are the incubations centers for future businesses, technologies, and products, having the capacity to harness the true commercial potential of knowledge and ideas. Traditional topics like partnership with industry and experiments with brewing entrepreneurship in universities are also taking new meaning in recent times across the world.
Building on the experiences and lessons from previous Vice Chancellors’ Forums held in Pakistan and Turkey, the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan, in partnership with COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI), British Council Pakistan, and the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), is organizing the 6th Vice Chancellors’ Forum of Universities in the Islamic World (VC Forum 2025). This event, themed Higher Education for Future, will take place in February 2025 at Serena Hotel, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Over 500 Vice Chancellors/ Rectors/ Presidents of Universities/ Higher Educational Institutions of the Islamic World will participate in the VC Forum 2025. The Forum will provide a platform for experience sharing, networking, pooling of resources, fostering collaborations, strengthening networks of excellence, and encouraging dialogue on the future of Higher Education in the Islamic World. This would also inspire and enable participants to draw plans, programs, and targets for their respective institutions in the company of Higher Education Leaders from around the Islamic World.