Focus Areas

VC Forum 2025

  1. Transforming Traditional Faculties
    • Modernising Curricula and Revamping Teachers’ Skillset.
    • New Technologies in Learning.
    • Fostering Skill based Education and Graduate Employability.
  2. Improving Online Education
    • Trade-off between on campus and online higher education – finding the right mix of hybrid education.
    • Building excellence in online programs, content, instruction methods, Lab, and practical work (virtual lab), assessment etc.
    • Management and Quality Assurance.
    • Students’ perspective; attention span, social development etc.
  3. Tools for Innovation and Technology Commercialization
    • Capacity Building for ICT in education and research, disruptive technologies for superior and innovative solutions, etc.
    • Pan Islamic Education and Research Network.
    • Knowledge Transfer, Trainings, and development.
  4. Forming Higher Education Re-Opening for International Students
    • Mutual Recognition of Qualifications.
    • Scholarship, students, and faculty exchanges.
    • Joint venture and collaborations for the future.
